(0.24790608365019) | Tit 2:3 | Older women likewise are to exhibit behavior fitting for those who are holy, not slandering, not slaves to excessive drinking, but teaching what is good. |
(0.24790608365019) | Tit 2:8 | and a sound message that cannot be criticized, so that any opponent will be at a loss, 1 because he has nothing evil to say about us. |
(0.24785012357414) | Tit 2:2 | Older men are to be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, 1 sound in faith, in love, and in endurance. 2 |
(0.24785012357414) | Tit 3:9 | But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, 1 quarrels, and fights about the law, 2 because they are useless and empty. |
(0.24783314638783) | Tit 3:15 | Everyone with me greets you. Greet those who love us in the faith. 1 Grace be with you all. 2 |
(0.24775248098859) | Tit 1:11 | who must be silenced because they mislead whole families by teaching for dishonest gain what ought not to be taught. |
(0.24775248098859) | Tit 3:3 | For we too were once foolish, disobedient, misled, enslaved to various passions and desires, spending our lives in evil and envy, hateful and hating one another. |
(0.24774545627376) | Tit 3:10 | Reject a divisive person after one or two warnings. |
(0.24766093155894) | Tit 1:16 | They profess to know God but with their deeds they deny him, since they are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good deed. |
(0.24765484790875) | Tit 1:7 | For the overseer 1 must be blameless as one entrusted with God’s work, 2 not arrogant, not prone to anger, not a drunkard, not violent, not greedy for gain. |
(0.24765484790875) | Tit 1:9 | He must hold firmly to the faithful message as it has been taught, 1 so that he will be able to give exhortation in such healthy teaching 2 and correct those who speak against it. |
(0.24762135931559) | Tit 3:13 | Make every effort to help 1 Zenas the lawyer 2 and Apollos on their way; make sure they have what they need. 3 |
(0.2475572243346) | Tit 2:1 |
(0.2475572243346) | Tit 3:6 | whom he poured out on us in full measure 1 through Jesus Christ our Savior. |
(0.24755230038023) | Tit 2:12 | It trains us 1 to reject godless ways 2 and worldly desires and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, |
(0.24745958174905) | Tit 1:13 | Such testimony is true. For this reason rebuke them sharply that they may be healthy in the faith |
(0.24745958174905) | Tit 2:4 | In this way 1 they will train 2 the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, |
(0.24745958174905) | Tit 2:9 | Slaves 1 are to be subject to their own masters in everything, 2 to do what is wanted and not talk back, |
(0.24741076996198) | Tit 3:12 |
(0.24741076996198) | Tit 3:14 | Here is another way that our people 1 can learn 2 to engage in good works to meet pressing needs and so not be unfruitful. |