(0.51134536666667) | Mat 22:3 | He sent his slaves 1 to summon those who had been invited to the banquet, but they would not come. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 23:21 | And whoever swears by the temple swears by it and the one who dwells in it. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 23:28 | In the same way, on the outside you look righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 24:49 | and he begins to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with drunkards, |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 26:19 | So 1 the disciples did as Jesus had instructed them, and they prepared the Passover. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 26:27 | And after taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 26:74 | At that he began to curse, and he swore with an oath, “I do not know the man!” At that moment a rooster crowed. 1 |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 27:25 | In 1 reply all the people said, “Let his blood be on us and on our children!” |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 27:30 | They 1 spat on him and took the staff 2 and struck him repeatedly 3 on the head. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 28:8 | So 1 they left the tomb quickly, with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mat 28:14 | If 1 this matter is heard before the governor, 2 we will satisfy him 3 and keep you out of trouble.” 4 |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 1:17 | Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people.” 1 |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 1:26 | After throwing him into convulsions, the unclean spirit cried out with a loud voice and came out of him. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 1:35 |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 1:38 | He replied, 1 “Let us go elsewhere, into the surrounding villages, so that I can preach there too. For that is what I came out here to do.” 2 |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 1:39 | So 1 he went into all of Galilee preaching in their synagogues 2 and casting out demons. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 1:41 | Moved with compassion, 1 Jesus 2 stretched out his hand and touched 3 him, saying, “I am willing. Be clean!” |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 2:2 | So many gathered that there was no longer any room, not even by 1 the door, and he preached the word to them. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 2:27 | Then 1 he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for people, 2 not people for the Sabbath. |
(0.51134536666667) | Mar 3:1 |