(0.97022747688243) | Heb 12:12 | Therefore, strengthen 1 your listless hands and your weak knees, 2 |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 1:5 |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 2:14 | Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, he likewise shared in 1 their humanity, 2 so that through death he could destroy 3 the one who holds the power of death (that is, the devil), |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 5:12 | For though you should in fact be teachers by this time, 1 you need someone to teach you the beginning elements of God’s utterances. 2 You have gone back to needing 3 milk, not 4 solid food. |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 6:7 | For the ground that has soaked up the rain that frequently falls on 1 it and yields useful vegetation for those who tend it receives a blessing from God. |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 6:10 | For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name, in having served and continuing to serve the saints. |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 8:8 | But 1 showing its fault, 2 God 3 says to them, 4 “Look, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will complete a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 8:11 | “And there will be no need at all 1 for each one to teach his countryman or each one to teach his brother saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ since they will all know me, from the least to the greatest. 2 |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 10:29 | How much greater punishment do you think that person deserves who has contempt for 1 the Son of God, and profanes 2 the blood of the covenant that made him holy, 3 and insults the Spirit of grace? |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 12:1 |
(0.96683447820343) | Heb 13:17 | Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls and will give an account for their work. 1 Let them do this 2 with joy and not with complaints, for this would be no advantage for you. |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 1:6 | But when he again brings 1 his firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all the angels of God worship him!” 2 |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 2:15 | and set free those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death. |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 3:1 |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 3:5 | Now Moses was faithful in all God’s 1 house 2 as a servant, to testify to the things that would be spoken. |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 3:9 | “There your fathers tested me and tried me, 1 and they saw my works for forty years. |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 4:6 | Therefore it remains for some to enter it, yet those to whom it was previously proclaimed did not enter because of disobedience. |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 5:11 |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 6:4 | For it is impossible in the case of those who have once been enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, become partakers of the Holy Spirit, |
(0.9665749009247) | Heb 6:12 | so that you may not be sluggish, 1 but imitators of those who through faith and perseverance inherit the promises. |