(0.99930264392324) | Mat 10:12 | As you enter the house, give it greetings. 1 |
(0.96775149253731) | Mat 23:13 | “But woe to you, experts in the law 1 and you Pharisees, hypocrites! 2 You keep locking people out of the kingdom of heaven! 3 For you neither enter nor permit those trying to enter to go in. |
(0.96363091684435) | Mat 7:13 |
(0.95220255863539) | Mat 8:5 |
(0.92865245202559) | Mat 2:21 | So 1 he got up and took the child and his mother and returned to the land of Israel. |
(0.92865245202559) | Mat 9:25 | But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and gently took her by the hand, and the girl got up. |
(0.92865245202559) | Mat 21:10 | As he entered Jerusalem the whole city was thrown into an uproar, 1 saying, “Who is this?” |
(0.92865245202559) | Mat 22:11 | But when the king came in to see the wedding guests, he saw a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. |
(0.92865245202559) | Mat 22:12 | And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ But he had nothing to say. 1 |
(0.92865245202559) | Mat 26:41 | Stay awake and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 10:5 | Jesus sent out these twelve, instructing them as follows: 1 “Do not go to Gentile regions 2 and do not enter any Samaritan town. 3 |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 10:11 | Whenever 1 you enter a town or village, 2 find out who is worthy there 3 and stay with them 4 until you leave. |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 15:11 | What defiles a person is not what goes into the mouth; it is what 1 comes out of the mouth that defiles a person.” |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 18:3 | and said, “I tell you the truth, 1 unless you turn around and become like little children, 2 you will never 3 enter the kingdom of heaven! |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 19:23 | Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, 1 it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven! |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 19:24 | Again I say, 1 it is easier for a camel 2 to go through the eye of a needle 3 than for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of God.” |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 25:10 | But while they had gone to buy it, the bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready went inside with him to the wedding banquet. Then 1 the door was shut. |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 26:58 | But Peter was following him from a distance, all the way to the high priest’s courtyard. After 1 going in, he sat with the guards 2 to see the outcome. |
(0.90510240938166) | Mat 27:53 | (They 1 came out of the tombs after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.) |
(0.88155234541578) | Mat 5:20 | For I tell you, unless your righteousness goes beyond that of the experts in the law 1 and the Pharisees, 2 you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. |