(1.0010407594937) | Mat 3:6 | and he was baptizing them<n id="1" /> in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins.p> |
(1.0010407594937) | Luk 22:6 | So<n id="1" /> Judas<n id="2" /> agreed and began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus<n id="3" /> when no crowd was present.<n id="4" />p> |
(1.0010407594937) | Act 19:18 | Many of those who had believed came forward,<n id="1" /> confessing and making their deeds known.<n id="2" /> |
(1.0010407594937) | Phi 2:11 | <p class="poetry">and every tongue confessp> <p class="poetry">that Jesus Christ is Lordp> <p class="poetry">to the glory of God the Father.p> |
(0.75078056962025) | Rom 14:11 | For it is written, 8220;<i><b>As I liveb>, <b>says the Lordb>, <b>every knee will bow to meb>, <b>and every tongue will give praise to Godb>i>.8221;<n id="1" /> |
(0.75078056962025) | Rom 15:9 | and thus the Gentiles glorify God for his mercy.<n id="1" /> As it is written, 8220;<i><b>Because of this I will confess you among the Gentilesb>, <b>and I will sing praises to your nameb>i>.8221;<n id="2" /> |
(0.75078056962025) | Jam 5:16 | So confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness.<n id="1" /> |
(0.62565050632911) | Mat 11:25 | <t /><p class="bodytext">At that time Jesus said,<n id="1" /> 8220;I praise<n id="2" /> you, Father, Lord<n id="3" /> of heaven and earth, because<n id="4" /> you have hidden these things from the wise<n id="5" /> and intelligent, and revealed them to little children. |
(0.62565050632911) | Mar 1:5 | People<n id="1" /> from the whole Judean countryside and all of Jerusalem<n id="2" /> were going out to him, and he was baptizing them<n id="3" /> in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins. |
(0.50052037974684) | Luk 10:21 | <p class="bodytext">On that same occasion<n id="1" /> Jesus<n id="2" /> rejoiced<n id="3" /> in the Holy Spirit and said, 8220;I praise<n id="4" /> you, Father, Lord<n id="5" /> of heaven and earth, because<n id="6" /> you have hidden these things from the wise<n id="7" /> and intelligent, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your gracious will.<n id="8" /> |