(0.99902544303797) | Luk 9:50 | But Jesus said to him, 8220;Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you.8221;p> |
(0.95859020253165) | Luk 6:29 | To the person who strikes you on the cheek,<n id="1" /> offer the other as well,<n id="2" /> and from the person who takes away your coat,<n id="3" /> do not withhold your tunic<n id="4" /> either.<n id="5" /> |
(0.95859020253165) | Luk 9:49 | <t /><p class="bodytext">John answered,<n id="1" /> 8220;Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop<n id="2" /> him because he is not a disciple<n id="3" /> along with us.8221; |
(0.95859020253165) | Luk 11:52 | Woe to you experts in religious law! You have taken away<n id="1" /> the key to knowledge! You did not go in yourselves, and you hindered<n id="2" /> those who were going in.8221;p> |
(0.91815501265823) | Luk 18:16 | But Jesus called for the children,<n id="1" /> saying, 8220;Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God<n id="2" /> belongs to such as these.<n id="3" /> |
(0.91815501265823) | Luk 23:2 | They<n id="1" /> began to accuse<n id="2" /> him, saying, 8220;We found this man subverting<n id="3" /> our nation, forbidding<n id="4" /> us to pay the tribute tax<n id="5" /> to Caesar<n id="6" /> and claiming that he himself is Christ,<n id="7" /> a king.8221; |