(0.99915790697674) | Act 2:32 | This Jesus God raised up, and we are all witnesses of it. 1 |
(0.99915790697674) | Act 22:15 | because you will be his witness 1 to all people 2 of what you have seen and heard. |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 1:22 | beginning from his baptism by John until the day he 1 was taken up from us – one of these must become a witness of his resurrection together with us.” |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 3:15 | You killed 1 the Originator 2 of life, whom God raised 3 from the dead. To this fact we are witnesses! 4 |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 5:32 | And we are witnesses of these events, 1 and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey 2 him.” |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 6:13 | They brought forward false witnesses who said, “This man does not stop saying things against this holy place 1 and the law. 2 |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 7:58 | When 1 they had driven him out of the city, they began to stone him, 2 and the witnesses laid their cloaks 3 at the feet of a young man named Saul. |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 10:39 | We 1 are witnesses of all the things he did both in Judea 2 and in Jerusalem. 3 They 4 killed him by hanging him on a tree, 5 |
(0.92987525581395) | Act 13:31 | and 1 for many days he appeared to those who had accompanied 2 him from Galilee to Jerusalem. These 3 are now his witnesses to the people. |
(0.89523395348837) | Act 1:8 | But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest parts 1 of the earth.” |
(0.89523395348837) | Act 10:41 | not by all the people, but by us, the witnesses God had already chosen, 1 who ate and drank 2 with him after he rose from the dead. |
(0.89523395348837) | Act 22:20 | And when the blood of your witness 1 Stephen was shed, 2 I myself was standing nearby, approving, 3 and guarding the cloaks 4 of those who were killing him.’ 5 |
(0.89523395348837) | Act 26:16 | But get up and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you for this reason, to designate you in advance 1 as a servant and witness 2 to the things 3 you have seen 4 and to the things in which I will appear to you. |