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(0.99938716337522) | 2Co 5:1 |
(0.99938716337522) | 2Co 10:8 | For if I boast somewhat more about our authority that the Lord gave us 1 for building you up and not for tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of doing so. 2 |
(0.99938716337522) | 2Co 12:19 | Have you been thinking all this time 1 that we have been defending ourselves to you? We are speaking in Christ before God, and everything we do, dear friends, is to build you up. 2 |
(0.97195019748653) | 2Co 13:10 | Because of this I am writing these things while absent, so that when I arrive 1 I may not have to deal harshly with you 2 by using my authority – the Lord gave it to me for building up, not for tearing down! |