(1.0003393220339) | Mar 15:30 | save yourself and come down from the cross!” 1 |
(0.80027141242938) | Phi 2:8 | He humbled himself, by becoming obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross! |
(0.70023751412429) | Mat 10:38 | And whoever does not take up his cross 1 and follow me is not worthy of me. |
(0.70023751412429) | Mat 27:32 |
(0.70023751412429) | Luk 14:27 | Whoever does not carry his own cross 1 and follow 2 me cannot be my disciple. |
(0.70023751412429) | Joh 19:17 | and carrying his own cross 1 he went out to the place called “The Place of the Skull” 2 (called in Aramaic 3 Golgotha). 4 |
(0.70023751412429) | Gal 5:11 | Now, brothers and sisters, 1 if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? 2 In that case the offense of the cross 3 has been removed. 4 |
(0.70023751412429) | Eph 2:16 | and to reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by which the hostility has been killed. 1 |
(0.60020355932203) | Mat 27:42 | “He saved others, but he cannot save himself! He is the king of Israel! If he comes down 1 now from the cross, we will believe in him! |
(0.60020355932203) | Mar 15:21 |
(0.60020355932203) | Mar 15:32 | Let the Christ, 1 the king of Israel, come down from the cross now, that we may see and believe!” Those who were crucified with him also spoke abusively to him. 2 |
(0.60020355932203) | Luk 9:23 |
(0.60020355932203) | Luk 23:26 |
(0.60020355932203) | Joh 19:19 | Pilate also had a notice 1 written and fastened to the cross, 2 which read: 3 “Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews.” |
(0.60020355932203) | 1Co 1:17 | For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel – and not with clever speech, so that the cross of Christ would not become useless. 1 |
(0.60020355932203) | 1Co 1:18 |
(0.60020355932203) | Gal 6:12 | Those who want to make a good showing in external matters 1 are trying to force you to be circumcised. They do so 2 only to avoid being persecuted 3 for the cross of Christ. |
(0.60020355932203) | Gal 6:14 | But may I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which 1 the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. |
(0.60020355932203) | Phi 3:18 | For many live, about whom I have often told you, and now, with tears, I tell you that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ. |
(0.60020355932203) | Col 2:14 | He has destroyed 1 what was against us, a certificate of indebtedness 2 expressed in decrees opposed to us. He has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. |