(1.0025906666667) | Joh 3:30 | He must become more important while I become less important.” 1 |
(0.80207255555556) | Act 12:24 |
(0.80207255555556) | Act 19:20 | In this way the word of the Lord 1 continued to grow in power 2 and to prevail. 3 |
(0.80207255555556) | 1Co 3:6 | I planted, 1 Apollos watered, but God caused it to grow. |
(0.80207255555556) | Eph 2:21 | In him 1 the whole building, 2 being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, |
(0.7018135) | Luk 2:40 | And the child grew and became strong, 1 filled with wisdom, 2 and the favor 3 of God 4 was upon him. |
(0.7018135) | 1Co 3:7 | So neither the one who plants counts for anything, 1 nor the one who waters, but God who causes the growth. |
(0.7018135) | Eph 4:15 | But practicing the truth in love, 1 we will in all things grow up into Christ, who is the head. |
(0.7018135) | 1Pe 2:2 | And 1 yearn 2 like newborn infants for pure, spiritual milk, 3 so that by it you may grow up to 4 salvation, 5 |
(0.60155444444444) | Mat 6:28 | Why do you worry about clothing? Think about how the flowers 1 of the field grow; they do not work 2 or spin. |
(0.60155444444444) | Luk 1:80 | And the child kept growing 1 and becoming strong 2 in spirit, and he was in the wilderness 3 until the day he was revealed 4 to Israel. |
(0.60155444444444) | Act 7:17 | “But as the time drew near for God to fulfill the promise he had declared to Abraham, 1 the people increased greatly in number 2 in Egypt, |
(0.60155444444444) | Col 1:10 | so that you may live 1 worthily of the Lord and please him in all respects 2 – bearing fruit in every good deed, growing in the knowledge of God, |
(0.60155444444444) | 2Pe 3:18 | But grow in the grace and knowledge 1 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the honor both now and on 2 that eternal day. 3 |
(0.50129533333333) | Mat 13:32 | It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest garden plant and becomes a tree, 1 so that the wild birds 2 come and nest in its branches.” 3 |
(0.50129533333333) | Mar 4:8 | But 1 other seed fell on good soil and produced grain, sprouting and growing; some yielded thirty times as much, some sixty, and some a hundred times.” |
(0.50129533333333) | Luk 12:27 | Consider how the flowers 1 grow; they do not work 2 or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these! |
(0.50129533333333) | Luk 13:19 | It is like a mustard seed 1 that a man took and sowed 2 in his garden. It 3 grew and became a tree, 4 and the wild birds 5 nested in its branches.” 6 |
(0.50129533333333) | Act 6:7 | The word of God continued to spread, 1 the number of disciples in Jerusalem 2 increased greatly, and a large group 3 of priests became obedient to the faith. |
(0.50129533333333) | 2Co 9:10 | Now God 1 who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your supply of seed and will cause the harvest of your righteousness to grow. |