(0.99986627906977) | Act 1:2 | until the day he was taken up to heaven, 1 after he had given orders 2 by 3 the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. |
(0.96537720930233) | Act 13:6 | When they had crossed over 1 the whole island as far as Paphos, 2 they found a magician, a Jewish false prophet named Bar-Jesus, 3 |
(0.96537720930233) | Act 22:4 | I 1 persecuted this Way 2 even to the point of death, 3 tying up 4 both men and women and putting 5 them in prison, |
(0.93088825581395) | Act 3:21 | This one 1 heaven must 2 receive until the time all things are restored, 3 which God declared 4 from times long ago 5 through his holy prophets. |
(0.93088825581395) | Act 23:1 | Paul looked directly 1 at the council 2 and said, “Brothers, I have lived my life with a clear conscience 3 before God to this day.” |
(0.89639923255814) | Act 2:29 | “Brothers, 1 I can speak confidently 2 to you about our forefather 3 David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. |
(0.89639923255814) | Act 13:11 | Now 1 look, the hand of the Lord is against 2 you, and you will be blind, unable to see the sun for a time!” Immediately mistiness 3 and darkness came over 4 him, and he went around seeking people 5 to lead him by the hand. |
(0.89639923255814) | Act 22:22 |
(0.89639923255814) | Act 26:22 | I have experienced 1 help from God to this day, and so I stand testifying to both small and great, saying nothing except 2 what the prophets and Moses said 3 was going to happen: |
(0.89639923255814) | Act 27:33 | As day was about to dawn, 1 Paul urged them all to take some food, saying, “Today is the fourteenth day you have been in suspense 2 and have gone 3 without food; you have eaten nothing. 4 |