(0.99905814285714) | Act 2:5 | Now there were devout Jews 1 from every nation under heaven residing in Jerusalem. 2 |
(0.99905814285714) | Act 2:9 | Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and the province of Asia, 1 |
(0.99905814285714) | Act 9:35 | All 1 those who lived in Lydda 2 and Sharon 3 saw him, and they 4 turned 5 to the Lord. |
(0.85633557142857) | Rev 17:2 | with whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality and the earth’s inhabitants got drunk with the wine of her immorality.” 1 |
(0.713613) | Act 2:14 |
(0.713613) | Act 13:27 | For the people who live in Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize 1 him, 2 and they fulfilled the sayings 3 of the prophets that are read every Sabbath by condemning 4 him. 5 |
(0.713613) | Rev 11:10 | And those who live on the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate, even sending gifts to each other, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth. |
(0.713613) | Rev 13:8 | and all those who live on the earth will worship the beast, 1 everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world 2 in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was killed. 3 |
(0.57089039285714) | Rev 17:8 | The beast you saw was, and is not, but is about to come up from the abyss 1 and then go to destruction. The 2 inhabitants of the earth – all those whose names have not been written in the book of life since the foundation of the world – will be astounded when they see that 3 the beast was, and is not, but is to come. |