(0.99773624242424) | Rom 14:5 | One person regards one day holier than other days, and another regards them all alike. 1 Each must be fully convinced in his own mind. |
(0.94067472727273) | Rom 3:6 | Absolutely not! For otherwise how could God judge the world? |
(0.82309036363636) | Joh 5:22 | Furthermore, the Father does not judge 1 anyone, but has assigned 2 all judgment to the Son, |
(0.82309036363636) | Rom 2:27 | And will not the physically uncircumcised man 1 who keeps the law judge you who, despite 2 the written code 3 and circumcision, transgress the law? |
(0.82309036363636) | 1Co 5:13 | But God will judge those outside. Remove the evil person from among you. 1 |
(0.82309036363636) | Heb 13:4 | Marriage must be honored among all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, for God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers. |
(0.705506) | Joh 7:51 | “Our law doesn’t condemn 1 a man unless it first hears from him and learns 2 what he is doing, does it?” 3 |
(0.705506) | Rom 2:16 | on the day when God will judge 1 the secrets of human hearts, 2 according to my gospel 3 through Christ Jesus. |
(0.705506) | Heb 10:30 | For we know the one who said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” 1 and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 2 |
(0.58792172121212) | Joh 12:48 | The one who rejects me and does not accept 1 my words has a judge; 2 the word 3 I have spoken will judge him at the last day. |
(0.58792172121212) | Jam 4:11 | Do not speak against one another, brothers and sisters. 1 He who speaks against a fellow believer 2 or judges a fellow believer speaks against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but its judge. 3 |
(0.58792172121212) | Rev 19:11 |