(0.99925991902834) | Eze 16:50 | They were haughty and practiced abominable deeds before me. Therefore when I saw it I removed them. |
(0.99925991902834) | Eze 28:5 | By your great skill 1 in trade you have increased your wealth, and your heart is proud because of your wealth. |
(0.87598866396761) | Eze 19:11 | Its boughs were strong, fit 1 for rulers’ scepters; it reached up into the clouds. It stood out because of its height and its many branches. 2 |
(0.87598866396761) | Eze 21:26 | this is what the sovereign Lord says: Tear off the turban, 1 take off the crown! Things must change! 2 Exalt the lowly, bring down the proud! 3 |
(0.87598866396761) | Eze 28:17 | Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom on account of your splendor. I threw you down to the ground; I placed you before kings, that they might see you. |
(0.87598866396761) | Eze 31:5 | Therefore it grew taller than all the trees of the field; its boughs grew large and its branches grew long, because of the plentiful water in its shoots. 1 |
(0.87598866396761) | Eze 31:10 | “‘Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: Because it was tall in stature, and its top reached into the clouds, and it was proud of its height, |
(0.81435303643725) | Eze 17:24 | All the trees of the field will know that I am the Lord. I make the high tree low; I raise up the low tree. I make the green tree wither, and I make the dry tree sprout. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do it!’” |
(0.81435303643725) | Eze 28:2 | “Son of man, say to the prince 1 of Tyre, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: “‘Your heart is proud 2 and you said, “I am a god; 3 I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas” – yet you are a man and not a god, though you think you are godlike. 4 |
(0.78353524291498) | Eze 31:14 | For this reason no watered trees will grow so tall; their tops will not reach into the clouds, nor will the well-watered ones grow that high. 1 For all of them have been appointed to die in the lower parts of the earth; 2 they will be among mere mortals, 3 with those who descend to the pit. |