(0.99921085910653) | Pro 12:25 | Anxiety 1 in a person’s heart 2 weighs him down, 3 but an encouraging 4 word brings him joy. 5 |
(0.8564664604811) | Eze 12:18 | “Son of man, eat your bread with trembling, 1 and drink your water with anxious shaking. |
(0.71372206185567) | Jos 22:24 | We swear we have done this because we were worried that 1 in the future your descendants would say to our descendants, ‘What relationship do you have with the Lord God of Israel? 2 |
(0.71372206185567) | Jer 49:23 |
(0.71372206185567) | Eze 4:16 | Then he said to me, “Son of man, I am about to remove the bread supply 1 in Jerusalem. 2 They will eat their bread ration anxiously, and they will drink their water ration in terror |
(0.57097762886598) | Eze 12:19 | Then say to the people of the land, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says about the inhabitants of Jerusalem and of the land of Israel: They will eat their bread with anxiety and drink their water in fright, for their land will be stripped bare of all it contains because of the violence of all who live in it. |