(1.0013490825688) | Job 13:17 | Listen carefully 1 to my words; let your ears be attentive to my explanation. 2 |
(1.0013490825688) | Job 21:2 | “Listen carefully 1 to my words; let this be 2 the consolation you offer me. 3 |
(1.0013490825688) | Isa 28:23 | Pay attention and listen to my message! 1 Be attentive and listen to what I have to say! 2 |
(0.87618041284404) | Gen 49:2 | “Assemble and listen, you sons of Jacob; listen to Israel, your father. |
(0.87618041284404) | 2Sa 22:45 | Foreigners are powerless before me; 1 when they hear of my exploits, they submit to me. 2 |
(0.87618041284404) | Job 37:2 | Listen carefully 1 to the thunder of his voice, to the rumbling 2 that proceeds from his mouth. |
(0.87618041284404) | Ecc 7:5 |
(0.75101178899083) | Gen 45:2 | He wept loudly; 1 the Egyptians heard it and Pharaoh’s household heard about it. 2 |
(0.75101178899083) | Deu 4:33 | Have a people ever heard the voice of God speaking from the middle of fire, as you yourselves have, and lived to tell about it? |
(0.75101178899083) | Psa 81:8 | I said, 1 ‘Listen, my people! I will warn 2 you! O Israel, if only you would obey me! 3 |
(0.75101178899083) | Isa 34:1 |
(0.75101178899083) | Isa 48:6 | You have heard; now look at all the evidence! 1 Will you not admit that what I say is true? 2 From this point on I am announcing to you new events that are previously unrevealed and you do not know about. 3 |
(0.75101178899083) | Zec 7:13 | “‘It then came about that just as I 1 cried out, but they would not obey, so they will cry out, but I will not listen,’ the Lord Lord who rules over all had said. |
(0.70806068807339) | Lev 10:20 | When Moses heard this explanation, he was satisfied. 1 |
(0.70806068807339) | Num 16:4 | When Moses heard it he fell down with his face to the ground. 1 |
(0.70806068807339) | Deu 6:4 |
(0.70806068807339) | Job 13:6 | “Listen now to my argument, 1 and be attentive to my lips’ contentions. 2 |
(0.70806068807339) | Job 15:8 | Do you listen in on God’s secret council? 1 Do you limit 2 wisdom to yourself? |
(0.70806068807339) | Job 15:17 | “I will explain to you; listen to me, and what 1 I have seen, I will declare, 2 |
(0.70806068807339) | Job 16:2 | “I have heard many things like these before. What miserable comforters 1 are you all! |