(0.99811181102362) | Gen 6:8 |
(0.88221456692913) | Zec 4:7 |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 1:9 | For they will be like 1 an elegant 2 garland 3 on 4 your head, and like 5 pendants 6 around 7 your neck. |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 3:4 | Then you will find 1 favor and good understanding, 2 in the sight of God and people. 3 |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 3:34 | Although 1 he is scornful to arrogant scoffers, 2 yet 3 he shows favor to the humble. 4 |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 4:9 | She will place a fair 1 garland on your head; she will bestow 2 a beautiful crown 3 on you.” |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 11:16 | A generous woman 1 gains honor, and ruthless men 2 seize wealth. 3 |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 13:15 | Keen insight 1 wins 2 favor, but the conduct 3 of the unfaithful is harsh. 4 |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 22:1 | A good name 1 is to be chosen 2 rather than great wealth, good favor 3 more than silver or gold. |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 22:11 | The one who loves a pure heart 1 and whose speech is gracious 2 – the king will be his friend. 3 |
(0.87334779527559) | Pro 28:23 | The one who reproves 1 another 2 will in the end 3 find more favor than the one who flatters 4 with the tongue. |
(0.87334779527559) | Ecc 10:12 |
(0.74858385826772) | Gen 18:3 | He said, “My lord, 1 if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by and leave your servant. 2 |
(0.74858385826772) | Gen 30:27 | But Laban said to him, “If I have found favor in your sight, please stay here, 1 for I have learned by divination 2 that the Lord has blessed me on account of you.” |
(0.74858385826772) | Gen 47:25 | They replied, “You have saved our lives! You are showing us favor, 1 and we will be Pharaoh’s slaves.” 2 |
(0.74858385826772) | Exo 12:36 | The Lord 1 gave the people favor 2 in the sight of the Egyptians, and they gave them whatever they wanted, 3 and so they plundered Egypt. 4 |
(0.74858385826772) | Psa 45:2 | You are the most handsome of all men! 1 You speak in an impressive and fitting manner! 2 For this reason 3 God grants you continual blessings. 4 |
(0.74858385826772) | Pro 5:19 | a loving doe, 1 a graceful deer; may her breasts satisfy you at all times, may you be captivated 2 by her love always. |
(0.74858385826772) | Pro 17:8 | A bribe works like 1 a charm 2 for the one who offers it; 3 in whatever he does 4 he succeeds. 5 |
(0.74858385826772) | Jer 31:2 |