(0.99889784753363) | Lev 25:6 | You may have the Sabbath produce 1 of the land to eat – you, your male servant, your female servant, your hired worker, the resident foreigner who stays with you, 2 |
(0.99889784753363) | Eze 34:5 | They were scattered because they had no shepherd, and they became food for every wild beast. 1 |
(0.83241488789238) | Gen 6:21 | And you must take 1 for yourself every kind of food 2 that is eaten, 3 and gather it together. 4 It will be food for you and for them. |
(0.83241488789238) | Gen 9:3 | You may eat any moving thing that lives. 1 As I gave you 2 the green plants, I now give 3 you everything. |
(0.83241488789238) | Lev 11:39 |
(0.83241488789238) | Jer 12:9 | The people I call my own attack me like birds of prey or like hyenas. 1 But other birds of prey are all around them. 2 Let all the nations gather together like wild beasts. Let them come and destroy these people I call my own. 3 |
(0.83241488789238) | Eze 15:4 | No! 1 It is thrown in the fire for fuel; when the fire has burned up both ends of it and it is charred in the middle, will it be useful for anything? |
(0.83241488789238) | Eze 21:32 | You will become fuel for the fire – your blood will stain the middle of the land; 1 you will no longer be remembered, for I, the Lord, have spoken.’” |
(0.83241488789238) | Eze 23:37 | For they have committed adultery and blood is on their hands. They have committed adultery with their idols, and their sons, whom they bore to me, 1 they have passed through the fire as food to their idols. 2 |
(0.83241488789238) | Eze 35:12 | Then you will know that I, the Lord, have heard all the insults you spoke against the mountains of Israel, saying, “They are desolate, they have been given to us for food.” |
(0.83241488789238) | Eze 39:4 | You will fall dead on the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the people who are with you. I give you as food to every kind of bird and every wild beast. |
(0.66593188340807) | Gen 1:29 | Then God said, “I now 1 give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the entire earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 2 |
(0.66593188340807) | Gen 1:30 | And to all the animals of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to all the creatures that move on the ground – everything that has the breath of life in it – I give 1 every green plant for food.” It was so. |
(0.66593188340807) | Exo 16:15 | When 1 the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, 2 “What is it?” because they did not know what it was. 3 Moses said to them, “It is the bread 4 that the Lord has given you for food. 5 |
(0.66593188340807) | Eze 15:6 | “Therefore, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Like the wood of the vine is among the trees of the forest which I have provided as fuel for the fire – so I will provide the residents of Jerusalem 1 as fuel. 2 |
(0.66593188340807) | Eze 29:5 | I will leave you in the wilderness, you and all the fish of your waterways; you will fall in the open field and will not be gathered up or collected. 1 I have given you as food to the beasts of the earth and the birds of the skies. |
(0.66593188340807) | Eze 34:10 | This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand my sheep from their hand. I will no longer let them be shepherds; 1 the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore. I will rescue my sheep from their mouth, so that they will no longer be food for them. |
(0.58269040358744) | Eze 34:8 | As surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, my sheep have become prey and have become food for all the wild beasts. There was no shepherd, and my shepherds did not search for my flock, but fed themselves and did not feed my sheep, |