(0.99874365853659) | 1Ch 14:12 | The Philistines left 1 their idols 2 there, so David ordered that they be burned. |
(0.71338836236934) | 2Ch 36:19 | They burned down the Lord’s temple and tore down the wall of Jerusalem. 1 They burned all its fortified buildings and destroyed all its valuable items. |
(0.57071066202091) | Jos 7:25 | Joshua said, “Why have you brought disaster 1 on us? The Lord will bring disaster on you today!” All Israel stoned him to death. (They also stoned and burned the others.) 2 |
(0.57071066202091) | Jdg 15:6 | The Philistines asked, 1 “Who did this?” They were told, 2 “Samson, the Timnite’s son-in-law, because the Timnite 3 took Samson’s 4 bride and gave her to his best man.” So the Philistines went up and burned her and her father. 5 |
(0.57071066202091) | 1Sa 30:1 |
(0.57071066202091) | 1Sa 31:12 | all their warriors set out and traveled throughout the night. They took Saul’s corpse and the corpses of his sons from the city wall of Beth Shan and went 1 to Jabesh, where they burned them. |
(0.57071066202091) | 2Ch 16:14 | He was buried in the tomb he had carved out in the City of David. 1 They laid him to rest on a bier covered with spices and assorted mixtures of ointments. They made a huge bonfire to honor him. 2 |