(0.99948595611285) | Joh 6:48 | I am the bread of life. 1 |
(0.99886379310345) | Joh 6:1 |
(0.99582297805643) | Joh 1:49 | Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king 1 of Israel!” 2 |
(0.99446137931034) | Joh 2:21 |
(0.99446137931034) | Joh 7:2 |
(0.99353338557994) | Joh 8:1 | But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 1 |
(0.99304880877743) | Joh 10:22 |
(0.99275971786834) | Joh 12:11 | for on account of him many of the Jewish people from Jerusalem 1 were going away and believing in Jesus. |
(0.99268139498433) | Joh 1:51 | He continued, 1 “I tell all of you the solemn truth 2 – you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” 3 |
(0.99250705329154) | Joh 6:4 |
(0.99230851097179) | Joh 4:41 | and because of his word many more 1 believed. |
(0.99204431034483) | Joh 12:31 | Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world 1 will be driven out. 2 |
(0.99176105015674) | Joh 11:19 | so many of the Jewish people of the region 1 had come to Martha and Mary to console them 2 over the loss of their brother.) 3 |
(0.99176105015674) | Joh 13:23 | One of his disciples, the one Jesus loved, 1 was at the table 2 to the right of Jesus in a place of honor. 3 |
(0.99153166144201) | Joh 3:6 | What is born of the flesh is flesh, 1 and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. |
(0.99118040752351) | Joh 6:71 | (Now he said this about Judas son of Simon Iscariot, 1 for Judas, 2 one of the twelve, was going to betray him.) 3 |
(0.9905671630094) | Joh 19:21 | Then the chief priests of the Jews 1 said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews.’” |
(0.99039130094044) | Joh 1:40 |
(0.98967492163009) | Joh 21:2 | Simon Peter, Thomas 1 (called Didymus), 2 Nathanael 3 (who was from Cana 4 in Galilee), the sons 5 of Zebedee, 6 and two other disciples 7 of his were together. |
(0.9894018338558) | Joh 7:13 | However, no one spoke openly about him for fear of the Jewish leaders. 1 |