(1.0006900666667) | Jer 1:9 | Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I will most assuredly give you the words you are to speak for me. 1 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 1:16 | In this way 1 I will pass sentence 2 on the people of Jerusalem and Judah 3 because of all their wickedness. For they rejected me and offered sacrifices to other gods, worshiping what they made with their own hands.” 4 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 2:5 | This is what the Lord says: “What fault could your ancestors 1 have possibly found in me that they strayed so far from me? 2 They paid allegiance to 3 worthless idols, and so became worthless to me. 4 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 2:8 | Your priests 1 did not ask, ‘Where is the Lord?’ 2 Those responsible for teaching my law 3 did not really know me. 4 Your rulers rebelled against me. Your prophets prophesied in the name of the god Baal. 5 They all worshiped idols that could not help them. 6 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 2:21 | I planted you in the land like a special vine of the very best stock. Why in the world have you turned into something like a wild vine that produces rotten, foul-smelling grapes? 1 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 3:8 | She also saw 1 that I gave wayward Israel her divorce papers and sent her away because of her adulterous worship of other gods. 2 Even after her unfaithful sister Judah had seen this, 3 she still was not afraid, and she too went and gave herself like a prostitute to other gods. 4 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 3:9 | Because she took her prostitution so lightly, she defiled the land 1 through her adulterous worship of gods made of wood and stone. 2 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 3:19 | “I thought to myself, 1 ‘Oh what a joy it would be for me to treat you like a son! 2 What a joy it would be for me to give 3 you a pleasant land, the most beautiful piece of property there is in all the world!’ 4 I thought you would call me, ‘Father’ 5 and would never cease being loyal to me. 6 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 3:23 | We know our noisy worship of false gods on the hills and mountains did not help us. 1 We know that the Lord our God is the only one who can deliver Israel. 2 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 3:24 | From earliest times our worship of that shameful god, Baal, has taken away 1 all that our ancestors 2 worked for. It has taken away our flocks and our herds, and even our sons and daughters. |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 5:7 | The Lord asked, 1 “How can I leave you unpunished, Jerusalem? 2 Your people 3 have rejected me and have worshiped gods that are not gods at all. 4 Even though I supplied all their needs, 5 they were like an unfaithful wife to me. 6 They went flocking 7 to the houses of prostitutes. 8 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 5:14 | Because of that, 1 the Lord, the God who rules over all, 2 said to me, 3 “Because these people have spoken 4 like this, 5 I will make the words that I put in your mouth like fire. And I will make this people like wood which the fiery judgments you speak will burn up.” 6 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 5:15 | The Lord says, 1 “Listen, 2 nation of Israel! 3 I am about to bring a nation from far away to attack you. It will be a nation that was founded long ago and has lasted for a long time. It will be a nation whose language you will not know. Its people will speak words that you will not be able to understand. |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 7:2 | “Stand in the gate of the Lord’s temple and proclaim 1 this message: ‘Listen, all you people of Judah who have passed through these gates to worship the Lord. 2 Hear what the Lord has to say. |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 7:12 | So, go to the place in Shiloh where I allowed myself to be worshiped 1 in the early days. See what I did to it 2 because of the wicked things my people Israel did. |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 7:24 | But they did not listen to me or pay any attention to me. They followed the stubborn inclinations of their own wicked hearts. They acted worse and worse instead of better. 1 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 7:31 | They have also built places of worship 1 in a place called Topheth 2 in the Valley of Ben Hinnom so that they can sacrifice their sons and daughters by fire. That is something I never commanded them to do! Indeed, it never even entered my mind to command such a thing! 3 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 8:2 | They will be spread out and exposed to the sun, the moon and the stars. 1 These are things they 2 adored and served, things to which they paid allegiance, 3 from which they sought guidance, and worshiped. The bones of these people 4 will never be regathered and reburied. They will be like manure used to fertilize the ground. 5 |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 8:9 | Your wise men will be put to shame. They will be dumbfounded and be brought to judgment. 1 Since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what wisdom do they really have? |
(1.0006900666667) | Jer 8:19 | I hear my dear people 1 crying out 2 throughout the length and breadth of the land. 3 They are crying, ‘Is the Lord no longer in Zion? Is her divine King 4 no longer there?’” The Lord answers, 5 “Why then do they provoke me to anger with their images, with their worthless foreign idols?” 6 |