b@liya`al <01100>

leylb b@liya`al

Origin:from 01097 and 03276, Greek 955 belial
Reference:TWOT - 246g
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Hebrew:leylb 22, leylbh 3, leylbw 2
In NET:wicked 11, evil 3, villains 3, chaos 2, good-for-nothings 2, worthless 2, awful 1, Worthless 1, good-for-nothing 1, crooked 1
In AV:Belial 16, wicked 5, ungodly 3, evil 1, naughty 1 ungodly men 1
Definition : 1) worthlessness 1a) worthless, good for nothing, unprofitable, base fellow 1b) wicked 1c) ruin, destruction (construct)
from 1097 and 3276; without profit, worthlessness; by extension, destruction, wickedness (often in connection with 376, 802, 1121, etc.): KJV -- Belial, evil, naughty, ungodly (men), wicked.
see HEBREW for 01097
see HEBREW for 03276
see HEBREW for 0376
see HEBREW for 0802
see HEBREW for 01121
Related Greek:-

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