ziyv (Aramaic) <02122>

wyz ziyv (Aramaic)

Origin:corresponding to 02099
Reference:TWOT - 2707
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Hebrew:Kywyzw 1, hwyzw 1, ywyzw 1, ywzw 1, yhwyz 1, yhwyzw 1
In NET:face 2, brightness 1
In AV:countenance 4, brightness 2
Definition : 1) brightness, splendour
(Aramaic) corresponding to 2099; (figuratively) cheerfulness: KJV -- brightness, countenance.
see HEBREW for 02099
Related Greek:morfh <3444>; orasiv <3706>; oqiv <3799>; eisodov <1529>

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