'Abiyhuw' <030>
whyba 'Abiyhuw'
Pronunciation | : | ab-ee-hoo' |
Origin | : | from 01 and 01931 |
Reference | : | - |
PrtSpch | : | n pr m (noun proper masculine) |
In Hebrew | : | awhybaw 10, awhyba 2 |
In NET | : | Abihu 12 |
In AV | : | Abihu 12 |
Count | : | 12 |
Definition | : |
Abihu = "he is (my) father"
1) a son of Aaron destroyed for sacrificing strange fire to God
from 1 and 1931; father (i.e. worshipper) of Him (i.e. God); Abihu, a son of Aaron: KJV -- Abihu. see HEBREW for 01 see HEBREW for 01931 |
Related Greek | : | - |
Variations in Bible | : | Abihu (NET, KJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV, TEV) |
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