'acharown <0314>

Nwrxa 'acharown or (shortened) Nrxa 'acharon

Pronunciation:akh-ar-one' akh-ar-one'
Origin:from 0309
Reference:TWOT - 68e
PrtSpch:adj (adjective)
In Hebrew:Nwrxah 12, Nwrxa 8, Mynrxa 7, Mynwrxahw 5, hnrxab 5, Mynrxahw 4, Mynrxah 2, hnrxal 2, hnwrxab 1, Mynrxal 1, Mynwrxah 1, Nwrxahw 1, Nwrxaw 1, hnrxakw 1
In NET:finish 9, last 5, end 3, next 3, latter 3, future 2, final 2, Mediterranean 2, behind 2, further 2, future generations 2, second 2, then 2, to come 1, afterward 1, after 1, west 1, come 1, distant 1, rear 1, now 1, events that are yet to happen 1, western 1, preserved 1
In AV:last 20, after(ward)(s) 15, latter 6, end 2, utmost 2, following 1, hinder 1, hindermost 1, hindmost 1, rereward 1, uttermost 1
Definition : 1) behind, following, subsequent, western 1a) behind, hindermost, western (of location) 1b) later, subsequent, latter, last (of time)
or (shortened) ;acharon {akh-ar-one'}; from 309; hinder; generally, late or last; specifically (as facing the east) western: KJV -- after (-ward), to come, following, hind(-er, -ermost, -most), last, latter, rereward, ut(ter)most.
see HEBREW for 0309
Related Greek:-
in Bible
:western sea (NET, NASB, NIV)
Western Sea (KJV, NRSV, TEV)

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