k@ruwb <03742>

bwrk k@ruwb

Origin:of uncertain derivation, Greek 5502 Xeroubin
Reference:TWOT - 1036
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Hebrew:Mybwrkh 21, Mybrkh 19, bwrkh 15, Mybwrk 12, bwrk 7, Mybrk 6, bwrkl 3, Mybrkl 2, Mybwrkl 2, bwrkw 2, Mybrkhw 1, Mybwrkw 1
In NET:cherubim 43, cherubs 17, cherub 15, cherub's 6, winged angels 2, winged angel 2, angelic sentries 1
In AV:cherubims 64, cherub 27
Definition : 1) cherub, cherubim (pl) 1a) an angelic being 1a1) as guardians of Eden 1a2) as flanking God's throne 1a3) as an image form hovering over the Ark of the Covenant 1a4) as the chariot of Jehovah (fig.)
of uncertain derivation; a cherub or imaginary figure: KJV -- cherub, (plural) cherubims.
Related Greek:-

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