'Eliy'athah <0448>

htayla 'Eliy'athah or (contraction) htyla 'Eliyathah

Pronunciation:el-ee-aw-thaw' el-ee-yaw-thaw'
Origin:from 0410 and 0225
PrtSpch:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
In Hebrew:htayla 1, htylal 1
In NET:Eliathah 2
In AV:Eliathah 2
Definition : Eliathah = "God has come" 1) a Hemanite musician in David's court
or (contraction) ;Eliyathah {el-ee-yaw- thaw'}; from 410 and 225; God of (his) consent; Eliathah, an Israelite: KJV -- Eliathah.
see HEBREW for 0410
see HEBREW for 0225
Related Greek:-
in Bible
:Eliathah (NET, KJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV, TEV)

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