merchaq <04801>

qxrm merchaq

Origin:from 07368
Reference:TWOT - 2151c
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Hebrew:qxrmm 8, qxrm 4, Myqxrm 2, qxrmh 1, Myqxrmbw 1, yqxrm 1
In NET:distant 5, from far away 3, distant place 2, faraway 2, distant land 1, afar 1, far-off places 1, length and breadth 1, wide 1
In AV:far 12, far off 4, afar off 1, far countries 1
Definition : 1) distant place, distance, far country
: from 7368; remoteness, i.e. (concretely) a distant place; often (adverbially) from afar: KJV -- (a-, dwell in, very) far (country, off). See also 1023.
see HEBREW for 07368
see HEBREW for 01023
Related Greek:escatwv <2078>; cronov <5550>

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