maskiyth <04906>

tyksm maskiyth

Origin:from the same as 07906
Reference:TWOT - 2257c
PrtSpch:n f (noun feminime)
In Hebrew:twykvmb 1, tykvm 1, wtykvm 1, Mtykvm 1, twykvm 1, wtykvmb 1
In NET:idolatrous images 1, carved images 1, imagination 1, sculpted 1, settings 1, thoughts 1
In AV:picture 2, image 1, wish 1, conceit 1, imagery 1
Definition : 1) show-piece, figure, imagination, image, idol, picture 1a) show-piece, carved figure (of idols) 1b) imagination, conceit
from the same as 7906; a figure (carved on stone, the wall, or any object); figuratively, imagination: KJV -- conceit, image(-ry), picture, X wish.
see HEBREW for 07906
Related Greek:sunesiv <4907>; kruptov <2927>; skopov <4649>

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