'ashur <0838>
rwva 'ashur or rva ashshur
Pronunciation | : | aw-shoor' ash-shoor' |
Origin | : | from 0833 in the sense of going |
Reference | : | TWOT - 183d |
PrtSpch | : | n f (noun feminime) |
In Hebrew | : | yrsa 4, wnyrsa 2, wrsal 1, wrsab 1, wyrsa 1 |
In NET | : | feet 2, steps 2, disobeyed your commands 1, footsteps 1, obey your commands 1, footing 1 |
In AV | : | step 6, going 3 |
Count | : | 9 |
Definition | : |
1) step, going
or ashshur {ash-shoor'}; from 833 in the sense of going; a step: KJV -- going, step. see HEBREW for 0833 |
Related Greek | : | pouv <4228>; entalma <1778> |
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