towr <08449>
rwt towr or rt tor
Pronunciation | : | tore tore |
Origin | : | probably the same as 08447 |
Reference | : | TWOT - 2500c |
PrtSpch | : | n f (noun feminime) |
In Hebrew | : | Myrt 7, rtw 2, Myrth 2, Krwt 1, rwth 1, rt 1 |
In NET | : | turtledoves 9, turtledove 3, dove 2 |
In AV | : | turtledove 9, turtle 5 |
Count | : | 14 |
Definition | : |
1) dove, turtledove
or tor {tore}; probably the same as 8447; a ring-dove, often (figuratively) as a term of endearment: KJV -- (turtle) dove. see HEBREW for 08447 |
Related Greek | : | - |