geuomai <1089>

geuomai geuomai

Origin:a root word
Reference:TDNT - 1:675,117
PrtSpch:v (verb)
In Greek:egeusasye 1, egeusato 1, geusamenouv 2, geusamenov 2, geusasyai 2, geusetai 1, geush 1, geushtai 2, geuswntai 3
In NET:will experience 3, tasted 3, eaten 1, after tasting 1, Do taste 1, he will experience 1, he would experience 1, to partake 1, to eat 1, you have experienced 1, will taste 1
In AV:taste 12, eat 3
Definition : 1) to taste, to try the flavour of
2) to taste
2a) i.e. perceive the flavour of, partake of, enjoy
2b) to feel, make trial of, experience
3) to take food, eat, to take nourishment, eat
a primary verb; to taste; by implication, to eat; figuratively, to experience (good or ill): KJV -- eat, taste.
Related Hebrew:-

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