idou <2400>

idou idou

Origin:from 3708, second person singular imperative middle voice of 1492
PrtSpch:particle (particle)
In Greek:idou 199
In NET:Look 61, look 9, Listen 8, Here 6, now 5, suddenly 4, here came 4, Think 3, Now 3, here 3, Suddenly 2, Look at 2, indeed 2, Listen carefully 2, see 2, Look for 1, appeared 1, remember 1, pay attention 1, then 1, See 1, Remember 1
In AV:behold 181, lo 29, see 3
Definition : 1) behold, see, lo
second person singular imperative middle voice of 1492; used as imperative lo!; -behold, lo, see.
see GREEK for 1492
Related Hebrew:ah <01887>; alh <01972>; Nh <02005>; hnh <02009>; hz <02088>; hzx <02372>; hje <05844>; hk <03541>; har <07200>; qr <07535>; lba <056>; wla <0431>; ana <0576>; wra <0718>

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