kopos <2873>

kopov kopos

Origin:from 2875
Reference:TDNT - 3:827,453
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Greek:kopoiv 3, kopon 5, kopou 1, kopouv 4, kopov 2, kopw 2, kopwn 1
In NET:labor 4, toil 3, bothering 2, work 2, bother 1, labors 1, hard work 1, in hard work 1, troubles 1
In AV:labour 13, trouble + 3830 5, weariness 1
Definition : 1) a beating
2) a beating of the breast with grief, sorrow
3) labour
3a) trouble
3a1) to cause one trouble, make work for him
3b) intense labour united with trouble and toil

Synonym : See Definition 5860
and 5936
from 2875; a cut, i.e. (by analogy) toil (as reducing the strength), literally or figuratively; by implication, pains: KJV -- labour, + trouble, weariness.
see GREEK for 2875
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