kurios <2962>

kuriov kurios

Origin:from kuros (supremacy)
Reference:TDNT - 3:1039,486
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Greek:kurie 118, kurioi 6, kurioiv 5, kurion 67, kuriou 237, kuriou] 1, kuriov 178, kuriw 99, kuriwn 3, kuriw] 2, [kurion] 1, [kuriov] 1
In NET:Lord 580, master 27, Lord's 26, Sir 18, lord 14, of Lord 7, owner 7, masters 5, Jesus 3, owners 3, master's 3, Masters 2, God 2, Christ 2, from Lord 2, of lords 2, to lord 2, lords 1, sir 1, Lord of lords 1, to master 1, a master 1, O Lord 1, as Lord 1, Sirs 1
In AV:Lord 667, lord 54, master 11, sir 6, Sir 6, misc 4
Definition : 1) he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has
power of deciding; master, lord
1a) the possessor and disposer of a thing
1a1) the owner; one who has control of the person, the master
1a2) in the state: the sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor
1b) is a title of honour expressive of respect and reverence,
with which servants greet their master
1c) this title is given to: God, the Messiah

Synonym : See Definition 5830
from kuros (supremacy); supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title): KJV -- God, Lord, master, Sir.
Related Hebrew:ydv <07706>; jlv <07980>; jylv <07989>; hdwhy <03063>; ynda <0113>; ynda <0136>; ynda <0136>; la <0410>; Myhla <0430>; hwla <0433>; leb <01167>; rybg <01376>; rwu <06697>; arm <04756>; lvm <04911>
in Bible
:Lord (KJV, TEV)

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