koluo <2967>

kwluw koluo

Origin:from the base of 2849
PrtSpch:v (verb)
In Greek:ekwluomen 2, ekwlusate 1, ekwlusen 2, ekwluyhn 1, kwluei 2, kwluein 1, kwluesyai 1, kwluete 6, kwluonta 1, kwluontwn 2, kwlusai 2, kwlushv 1, kwluyentev 1
In NET:do try to stop 3, Do stop 2, we tried to stop 2, prevented 2, forbidding 1, having been prevented 1, do withhold 1, will prohibit 1, withhold 1, do forbid 1, hinder 1, hinders 1, to hinder 1, to prevent 1, restrained 1, you hindered 1, is to stop 1, was prevented 1
In AV:forbid 17, hinder 2, withstand 1, keep from 1, let 1, not suffer 1
Definition : 1) to hinder, prevent forbid
2) to withhold a thing from anyone
3) to deny or refuse one a thing
from the base of 2849; to estop, i.e. prevent (by word or act): KJV -- forbid, hinder, keep from, let, not suffer, withstand.
see GREEK for 2849
Related Hebrew:rue <06113>; bwv <07725>; alk <03607>; vwm <04185>; enm <04513>

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