ananepho <366>
ananhfw ananepho
Pronunciation | : | an-an-ay'-fo |
Origin | : | from 303 and 3525 |
Reference | : | - |
PrtSpch | : | v (verb) |
In Greek | : | ananhqwsin 1 |
In NET | : | they will come to senses and escape 1 |
In AV | : | recover (one's) self 1 |
Count | : | 1 |
Definition | : |
1) to return to soberness
from 303 and 3525; to become sober again, i.e. (figuratively) regain (one's) senses: KJV -- recover self. see GREEK for 303 see GREEK for 3525 |
Related Hebrew | : | - |
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