plane <4106>

planh plane

Origin:from 4108 (as abstractly)
Reference:TDNT - 6:228,857
PrtSpch:n f (noun feminime)
In Greek:planh 4, planhv 6
In NET:error 5, a deluding 1, deceit 1, deception 1, wandering 1, deceitful 1
In AV:error 7, to deceive 1, deceit 1, delusion 1
Definition : 1) a wandering, a straying about
1a) one led astray from the right way, roams hither and thither
2) metaph.
2a) mental straying
2a1) error, wrong opinion relative to morals or religion
2b) error which shows itself in action, a wrong mode of acting
2c) error, that which leads into error, deceit or fraud
feminine of 4108 (as abstractly); objectively, fraudulence; subjectively, a straying from orthodoxy or piety: KJV -- deceit, to deceive, delusion, error.
see GREEK for 4108
Related Hebrew:evp <06588>; twryrv <08307>; hmrm <04820>

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