sinapi <4615>

sinapi sinapi

Origin:perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting)
Reference:TDNT - 7:287,1027
PrtSpch:n n (noun neuter)
In Greek:sinapewv 5
In NET:a mustard 2, a mustard seed 2, mustard 1
In AV:mustard seed 5
Definition : 1) mustard, the name of a plant which in oriental countries grows
from a very small seed and attains to the height of a tree, 10
feet (3 m) and more; hence a very small quantity of a thing is
likened to a mustard seed, and also a thing which grows to a
remarkable size
perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): KJV -- mustard.
Related Hebrew:-

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