sunerchomai <4905>
sunercomai sunerchomai
Pronunciation | : | soon-er'-khom-ahee |
Origin | : | from 4862 and 2064 |
Reference | : | TDNT - 2:684,257 |
PrtSpch | : | v (verb) |
In Greek | : | sunelhluyeisan 1, sunelhluyotav 1, sunelhluyuiai 1, sunelyein 3, sunelyh 1, sunelyonta 1, sunelyontav 1, sunelyontev 1, sunelyontwn 3, sunelyousaiv 1, sunercesye 1, sunercetai 1, sunerchsye 2, sunercomenoi 1, sunercomenwn 2, sunercontai 2, sunhlyan 1, sunhlyen 2, sunhlyon 2, sunhrceto 1, sunhrconto 1 |
In NET | : | had accompanied 3, when come together 3, had assembled 2, you come together 2, gathered 2, came together 2, gathered together 1, came back 1, accompanied 1, assemble together 1, came along 1, comes together 1, had gathered together 1, were gathering together 1, who have accompanied 1, you assemble 1, went with 1, to assemble 1, they came together 1, they had met together 1, to accompany 1, had come with 1 |
In AV | : | come together 18, go with 4, come with 2, resort 2, come 2, come with + 2258 1, company with 1, accompany 1, assemble with 1 |
Count | : | 32 |
Definition | : |
1) to come together 1a) to assemble 1b) of conjugal cohabitation 2) to go (depart) or come with one, to accompany one from 4862 and 2064; to convene, depart in company with, associate with, or (specially), cohabit (conjugally): KJV -- accompany, assemble (with), come (together), come (company, go) with, resort. see GREEK for 4862 see GREEK for 2064 |
Related Hebrew | : | Poa <0622>; awb <0935>; dey <03259>; vgp <06298>; Ubq <06908>; Klh <01980>; qbx <02263> |
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