axioo <515>
axiow axioo
Pronunciation | : | ax-ee-o'-o |
Origin | : | from 514 |
Reference | : | TDNT - 1:380,63 |
PrtSpch | : | v (verb) |
In Greek | : | axioumen 1, axiousywsan 1, axiwsh 1, axiwyhsetai 1, hxiou 1, hxiwsa 1, hxiwtai 1 |
In NET | : | deserves 1, I did presume 1, has come to deserve 1, insisted 1, we would like 1, must be counted worthy 1, will make worthy 1 |
In AV | : | count worthy 3, think worthy 2, think good 1, desire 1 |
Count | : | 7 |
Definition | : |
1) to think meet, fit, right 2) to judge worthy, deem, deserving from 514; to deem entitled or fit: KJV -- desire, think good, count (think) worthy. see GREEK for 514 |
Related Hebrew | : | aeb <01156>; vqb <01245>; vtn <05428>; Nnx <02603>; an <04994>; asn <05375>; hlav <07596> |
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