apaggello <518>

apaggellw apaggello

Origin:from 575 and the base of 32
Reference:TDNT - 1:64,10
PrtSpch:v (verb)
In Greek:apaggeilai 3, apaggeilate 5, apaggeilon 1, apaggelei 1, apaggellei 1, apaggellomen 2, apaggellontav 1, apaggellontev 1, apaggellousin 1, apaggellwn 1, apaggelw 2, aphggeilan 15, aphggeilen 10, aphggelh 1, aphggellon 1
In NET:told 10, reported 8, tell 4, spread the news 2, report 2, announce 1, declaring 1, he commands 1, he was told 1, They told 1, Tell 1, He informed 1, I declared 1, I will proclaim 1, he will proclaim 1, inform 1, we announce 1, they told 1, to report 1, who told 1, she explained 1, informed 1, will tell 1, who will tell 1, to tell 1
In AV:tell 26, show 10, declare 3, report 2, bring word 1, bring word again 1, show again 1, vr show
Definition : 1) to bring tidings (from a person or a thing), bring word, report
2) to proclaim, to make known openly, declare
from 575 and the base of 32; to announce: KJV -- bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell.
see GREEK for 575
see GREEK for 32
Related Hebrew:dgn <05046>; rtp <06622>; arq <07121>; rpo <05608>; rma <0559>; bwv <07725>; xlv <07971>; emv <08085>; jpv <08199>; edy <03045>; Uey <03289>; awx <02324>

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