Synonym for: Sincere.

See Definition for aplouv 573
See Definition for akeraiov 185
See Definition for akakov 172
See Definition for adolov 97

aplouv is literally spread out without folds, and hence means
single, simple, without complexity of character and motive. In the
N.T. this idea of simplicity is always favorable; in classical Greek
the word is also occasionally used in an unfavorable sense, denoting
foolish simplicity.

akeraiov also means simple, literally free from any
foreign admixture, unadulterated, free fram disturbing elements.

akakov in Heb 7:26 means one in whom exists absence of all
evil, and so by implication the presence of all good. It passes also
through the merely negative meaning of absence of evil, found in the
Septuagint, to the unfavorable meaning of simple, easily deceived,
credulous, which is found in Ro 16:18.

adolov, occurring only in 1Pe 2:2, means sincere,
unmixed, without guile.

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