agrios <66>
agriov agrios
Pronunciation | : | ag'-ree-os |
Origin | : | from 68 |
Reference | : | - |
PrtSpch | : | adj (adjective) |
In Greek | : | agria 1, agrion 2 |
In NET | : | wild 3 |
In AV | : | wild 2, raging 1 |
Count | : | 3 |
Definition | : |
1) living or growing in the fields or woods 1a) of animals, wild, savage 1b) of countries, wild, uncultivated, unreclaimed 2) of men and animals in a moral sense, wild savage, fierce 2a) boorish, rude 2b) of any violent passion, vehement, furious from 68; wild (as pertaining to the country), literally (natural) or figuratively (fierce): KJV -- wild, raging. see GREEK for 68 |
Related Hebrew | : | Moa <0618>; Ura <0776>; rb <01250>; lwrx <02738>; arp <06501>; hds <07704> |
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