aschemoneo <807>
aschonew aschemoneo
Pronunciation | : | as-kay-mon-eh'-o |
Origin | : | from 809 |
Reference | : | - |
PrtSpch | : | v (verb) |
In Greek | : | aschmonei 1, aschmonein 1 |
In NET | : | It is rude 1, acting inappropriately 1 |
In AV | : | behave (one's) self uncomely 1, behave (one's) self unseemly 1 |
Count | : | 2 |
Definition | : |
1) to act unbecomingly
from 809; to be (i.e. act) unbecoming: KJV -- behave self uncomely (unseemly). see GREEK for 809 |
Related Hebrew | : | hyre <06181>; hlq <07034> |
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