shiphchah <08198>

hxpv shiphchah

Origin:from an unused root meaning to spread out (as a family; see 04940)
PrtSpch:n f (noun feminime)
In Hebrew:Ktxps 11, txps 7, twxpslw 6, wtxps 5, twxpsh 5, hxps 4, txpsw 3, ytxps 3, htxps 3, twxpsw 3, hxpsw 2, hxpsl 2, hxpsh 2, Kytxps 1, hxpsk 1, wytxps 1, Mkytwxps 1, Ktxpslw 1, Ktxpsl 1, Ktxpsb 1
In NET:servant 30, female servants 8, female 8, female servant 5, servants 3, female slaves 2, slaves 2, slave girl 1, female attendant 1, servant's 1, slave woman 1
In AV:handmaid 29, maid 12, maidservant 8, bondwomen 3, maiden 3, womenservants 3, handmaidens 2, bondmaid 1, servant 1, wench 1
Definition : 1) maid, maid-servant, slavegirl 1a) maid, maid-servant (as belonging to a mistress) 1b) of address, speaker, humility (fig)
feminine from an unused root meaning to spread out (as a family; see 4940); a female slave (as a member of the household): KJV -- (bond-, hand-)maid(-en, -servant), wench, bondwoman, womanservant.
see HEBREW for 04940
Related Greek:-

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