autarkes <842>
autarkhv autarkes
Pronunciation | : | ow-tar'-kace |
Origin | : | from 846 and 714 |
Reference | : | TDNT - 1:466,78 |
PrtSpch | : | adj (adjective) |
In Greek | : | autarkhv 1 |
In NET | : | content 1 |
In AV | : | content 1 |
Count | : | 1 |
Definition | : |
1) sufficient for one's self, strong enough or processing enough to need no aid or support 2) independent of external circumstances 3) contented with one's lot, with one's means, though the slenderest from 846 and 714; self-complacent, i.e. contented: KJV -- content. see GREEK for 846 see GREEK for 714 |
Related Hebrew | : | qx <02706> |
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