1 Corinthians 15:27 
ContextNETBible | For he has put everything in subjection under his feet. 1 But when it says “everything” has been put in subjection, it is clear that this does not include the one who put everything in subjection to him. |
NIV © biblegateway 1Co 15:27 |
For he "has put everything under his feet". Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. |
NASB © biblegateway 1Co 15:27 |
For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, "All things are put in subjection," it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him. |
NLT © biblegateway 1Co 15:27 |
For the Scriptures say, "God has given him authority over all things." (Of course, when it says "authority over all things," it does not include God himself, who gave Christ his authority.) |
MSG © biblegateway 1Co 15:27 |
As the psalmist said, "He laid them low, one and all; he walked all over them." When Scripture says that "he walked all over them," it's obvious that he couldn't at the same time be walked on. |
BBE © SABDAweb 1Co 15:27 |
For, as it says, He has put all things under his feet. But when he says, All things are put under him, it is clear that it is not said about him who put all things under him. |
NRSV © bibleoremus 1Co 15:27 |
For "God has put all things in subjection under his feet." But when it says, "All things are put in subjection," it is plain that this does not include the one who put all things in subjection under him. |
NKJV © biblegateway 1Co 15:27 |
For "He has put all things under His feet." But when He says "all things are put under Him," it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. |
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KJV | |
NASB © biblegateway 1Co 15:27 |
NET [draft] ITL | For <1063> he has put <5293> everything <3956> in subjection <5293> under <5259> his <846> feet <4228> . But <1161> when <3752> it says <2036> “everything <3956> ” has been put in subjection <5293> , it is clear <1212> that <3754> this does not include <1622> the one who put <5293> everything <3956> in subjection <5293> to him <846> . |
GREEK | panta gar upetaxen touv podav autou otan de eiph panta upotetaktai oti ektov tou upotaxantov ta panta |
NETBible | For he has put everything in subjection under his feet. 1 But when it says “everything” has been put in subjection, it is clear that this does not include the one who put everything in subjection to him. |
NET Notes |
1 sn A quotation from Ps 8:6. |