Luke 12:6 
ContextNETBible | Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? 1 Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. |
NIV © biblegateway Luk 12:6 |
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. |
NASB © biblegateway Luk 12:6 |
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. |
NLT © biblegateway Luk 12:6 |
"What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. |
MSG © biblegateway Luk 12:6 |
"What's the price of two or three pet canaries? Some loose change, right? But God never overlooks a single one. |
BBE © SABDAweb Luk 12:6 |
Are not five sparrows given in exchange for two farthings? and God has every one of them in mind. |
NRSV © bibleoremus Luk 12:6 |
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. |
NKJV © biblegateway Luk 12:6 |
"Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. |
[+] More English
KJV | |
NASB © biblegateway Luk 12:6 |
NET [draft] ITL | |
GREEK | ouci pente strouyia pwlountai duo kai en ex autwn ouk estin tou yeou |
NETBible | Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? 1 Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. |
NET Notes |
1 sn The pennies refer to the assarion, a small Roman copper coin. One of them was worth one sixteenth of a denarius or less than a half hour’s average wage. Sparrows were the cheapest thing sold in the market. God knows about even the most financially insignificant things; see Isa 49:15. |