Proverbs 23:28 
ContextNETBible | Indeed, she lies in wait like a robber, 1 and increases the unfaithful 2 among men. 3 |
NIV © biblegateway Pro 23:28 |
Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men. |
NASB © biblegateway Pro 23:28 |
Surely she lurks as a robber, And increases the faithless among men. |
NLT © biblegateway Pro 23:28 |
She hides and waits like a robber, looking for another victim who will be unfaithful to his wife. |
MSG © biblegateway Pro 23:28 |
She'll take you for all you've got; she's worse than a pack of thieves. |
BBE © SABDAweb Pro 23:28 |
Yes, she is waiting secretly like a beast for its food, and deceit by her is increased among men. |
NRSV © bibleoremus Pro 23:28 |
She lies in wait like a robber and increases the number of the faithless. |
NKJV © biblegateway Pro 23:28 |
She also lies in wait as for a victim, And increases the unfaithful among men. |
[+] More English
KJV | |
NASB © biblegateway Pro 23:28 |
LXXM | |
NET [draft] ITL | |
NETBible | Indeed, she lies in wait like a robber, 1 and increases the unfaithful 2 among men. 3 |
NET Notes |
1 tn The noun חֶתֶף (khetef) is defined by BDB 369 s.v. as “prey,” but this is the only occurrence of the word. The related verb BDB 368-69 s.v. חָתַף defines as “to seize; to snatch away” (with an Aramaic cognate meaning “to break in pieces” [Pa], and an Arabic word “death”). But the only occurrence of that word is in Job 9:12, where it is defined as “seizes.” So in this passage the noun could have either a passive sense (what is seized = prey), or an active sense (the one who seizes = a robber, bandit). The traditional rendering is “prey” (KJV); most modern English versions have the active sense (“robber” or similar; cf. NIV “like a bandit”). Since the prepositional phrase (the simile) is modifying the woman, the active sense works better in the translation. 2 tn The participle means “unfaithful [men]” (masculine plural); it could also be interpreted as “unfaithfulness” in the abstract sense. M. Dahood interprets it to mean “garments” (which would have to be repointed), saying that she collects garments in pledge for her service (M. Dahood, “To Pawn One’s Cloak,” Bib 42 [1961]: 359-66). But that is far-fetched; it might have happened on occasion, but as a common custom it is unlikely. Besides that, the text in the MT makes perfectly good sense without such a change. 2 sn Such a woman makes more people prove unfaithful to the law of God through her practice. 3 sn Verses 26-28 comprise the seventeenth saying; it warns the young person to follow the instructions about temptations because there are plenty of temptresses lurking about. |